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2 Hearts for Integrity Ministries (2HIM)
Impacting others to live a Christ-centered life
David -n- Marina Hamil
God speaks to our hearts through His Word, through the Holy Spirit, and through our life experiences. We, like you, will forever be a work in progress. As we submit ourselves to Him and have a teachable spirit, we desire to grow and change to become more like Him every day. Below is a collection of articles we have written and shared with others to encourage them, give them truths to ponder, and prayerfully hope to help them walk closer with the Lord and follow His ways.
From David
Going All In for Christ
to Reach the Lost
Leveraging Holy Spirit
Will We Pleasantly Allow
God to Interrupt Our Plans
Don't Give Satan
a Foothold
Standing Firm - No Matter
the Cost
From Marina
Nurturing Your Relationship
with HIM
How Healthy is Your
Let Everything that has Breath
...Praise the Lord!
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